
Research Retreat (EMEA)

Project management | Technical and scenic | Transcription | Video editing and subtitling

The Context

Our client tasked us to support them with their first LIVE event in two years, aimed at sharing insight and knowledge from industry leaders with its clients, in what is currently a very volatile financial and economic market. The event also gives their clients the opportunity to live demo products and speak in more depth to company representatives. As this was our client’s first hybrid interactive LIVE event, encouraging a good in-person turn-out was crucial to the success of the project.

The Solution

Aspect took on the management of the entire project, including budget, team organisation, creative output, technical delivery, livestream elements and all associated scheduling. We handled all print items for the five demo stands and the set and stage, and managed all technical aspects of the event, including all hybrid elements – the online platform, livestream, interactivity between the two audiences and post-event metrics. One of our client’s priorities was to obtain qualitative feedback from delegates, so Aspect provided solutions to gather comments from both the in-person and online audience.

Our line-up of high-profile industry speakers was designed to entice delegates to attend the event in person. To further encourage this, virtual participation in the show was not promoted until one week before and the on-demand content was only made available a few days after the live event.

The Result

Our knowledge of the venue and live event experience enabled the client team to make the best decisions for the live element of the show. Our virtual expertise supported them with putting on a seamless and flawless experience for their online delegates. The project was so successful that we have been asked to collaborate with them on another event in April 2023.

Customer Testimonial

“I loved coordinating my first corporate retreat, working closely with the extraordinary Loren Wilson from Aspect. Ready for the next one… bring on 2023!”

AVP Events Manager, EMEA




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